Sunday, March 16, 2014


Luckily, the end of the month was a weekend.  Wim and I went to Schemmerhorn to make sure that Ray was leaving, and to clean the #apartment once he'd gone.  Thus armed with cleaning tools and supplies, we advanced on number 51.  We were pleased to find Ray in the process of moving things out of the apartment and loading them into the huge old station wagon. Wim and I sat next door on Shirley and Jerry's front steps to watch and wait.
The old station wagon was bursting at the seams by the time all the to-ing and fro-ing had stopped.  Without a word or a glance in our direction, Ray piled his children into the car, and it creaked slowly away up the street, listing to the left as always under the extra load.

Miz James came bustling out at that moment and followed Wim and I upstairs, eager to see for herself what condition the apartment was in.  She was not to be disappointed.  We could smell the stench, even before we reached the top of the stairs.  Bluebottles were also thoroughly enjoying the smell of feces and God-knows-what-else, judging by the hordes of flies that buzzed furiously in every room.
The first thing we did was open the windows.  Ugh!  How could they have lived in that stink?
Apart from dirty walls, the living and dining rooms were not too bad.  But, the bathroom
. . . ! 
            I stopped dead in the doorway.  The floor was strewn with used sanitary napkins lying face up, and there was a pool of what looked like pee around the base of the toilet.  Feces floated in the grimy bowl.
Holding my nose, I hastily flushed the toilet and escaped to find rubber gloves and a garbage bag to collect the offensive, bloody napkins.
In the second bedroom, caked on the floor and in-between the floorboards, was what appeared to be more feces – human or animal, I couldn’t tell.  I hastily opened the window, and Wim went to work with a putty knife. 
In the third bedroom I found not one, but two buckets full of urine.
"What is this!" I exclaimed.  "Don't they believe in using the toilet?"
Miz James, who had been poking around in delighted horror, bustled off downstairs, no doubt to regale Shirley with the disgusting news.  The #cockroaches were again very much in evidence, but an urgent call to a #pest #control company got me an emergency visit early Monday morning. 

This time, I chose a company called Action Pest Control, who advertised a lot on TV. They claimed that bugs wouldn’t stand a chance against their Ghost-Buster-look-alike “Action Man.”  They charged nearly twice as much as Greatest Pest Control – $160 for the initial visit – but follow-up visits were the same: $42.80.  I don’t know why I opted to go with them – Greatest Pest Control had done a good job previously – so I guess it goes to show what aggressive advertising can do.
Wim, Allen and I worked hard, scrubbing and cleaning all afternoon.  I was just about to attack the refrigerator, and Allen the oven, when Bryan dropped by.
"Hey," he said, sauntering in – a sexy figure in blue jeans and flowing, chestnut curls.  "Heard about the mess from Shirley.  How's it going?"
"Not so bad," I said, slowly straightening my aching back.  "You'll be able to move in tomorrow but  I won't be able to do any repairs or painting until Mr. Catcher from Social Services does the inspection in a couple of weeks."
"That's okay," Bryan said.  "Hey, I was gonna ask you.  Would it be okay if I put a fan up in the ceiling of the living room?  And I was thinking of putting sliding doors between the living room and dining room, like you have downstairs.  I mean, they'd stay if we left, and it wouldn't cost you nothin'."
"I don't see why not," I said.  "As long as you don't gouge holes in the walls, or anything like that."
"Oh, no," Bryan assured me.  He took a last look around.  "See ya."
"I'll leave the keys with Miz James!" I yelled after him.
On Monday afternoon, a few hours after the "Action Man" had defogged the apartment, Mamie and Bryan moved inWim met with the #building #inspector a few days later and with Mr. Catcher the following week.  I was delighted to learn that I was again eligible for the maximum amount of Ray’s #security #agreement  two months’ #rent  and Wim informed Mamie and Bryan that he would stop by the next week to make repairs.
Meanwhile, I received a phone call at work from Child Protective Services.  The caseworker told me she was investigating a neglect charge, which had been filed against Ray Molinard.  Hoping to somehow help Ray's kids, I told her what I had witnessed - the condition of the apartment, the cockroaches, buckets of pee, dried feces on the floor.  I suspected it was Miz James who had reported Ray to the authorities, and the next time I saw her, she gleefully told me that Ray’s next-door-neighbor-friends had also moved out.
"Done a moonlight flit," she breathlessly announced.  "I heard as how Ray and them 'ave taken over a #two-family nearby."

"Well, good riddance to them," I said fervently.  "So long as they stay away from here.  I pity their new #landlord, though."

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